Registered Nurse Anesthetist

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A certified registered nurse anesthetist (CRNA) is a nurse who specializes in the administration of anesthesia. CRNAs are the main providers of anesthesia in rural America. The difference between an anesthesiologist and a CRNA is when anesthesia is given by an anesthesiologist, it is considered a practice of medicine; but when a nurse anesthetist administers the anesthesia, it is considered a practice of nursing. CRNAs have provided anesthesia care to U.S. military personnel on the front lines since World War I. Anesthesia was first administered by nurses to wounded soldiers during the Civil War. However, the credential CRNA first came into existence around the year 1956. Duties and responsibilities are part of becoming a CRNA. A CRNA’s main…show more content…
The average nurse anesthetist student completes almost 2,500 clinical hours and administers approximately 850 anesthetics. The nurse anesthetist program is widely known for its extremely respected educational system and strong commitment to the quality of education. This program could last from twenty-four to thirty-six months in length, according to the requirements of the university. All nurse anesthetist programs are at the master’s degree level or higher. To be accepted into one of these Council of Accreditation of Nurse Anesthesia (COA) programs, a person must currently be a licensed RN with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, or other appropriate baccalaureate degree. The nurse must also have at least one full year of experience in a critical care setting. After graduation, the nurse must then pass the national certification examination before she can begin her practice. However, in order to maintain CRNA certification, the nurse must recertify every two years. She must maintain a minimum of forty hours of accredited continued education every two years; document if she has been substantially engaged in anesthesia practices during the two year period; maintain current state licensure; and verify if she has had any absence of mental, physical, or other problems that could interfere with her practice of…show more content…
Most offices and hospitals would rather hire a team of experienced CRNAs instead of an extremely costly anesthesiologist. CRNAs administer anesthesia wherever it is needed. They are used in hospital surgical suits, obstetrical delivery rooms, critical access hospitals, ambulatory surgical centers, dentist offices, and many more places where anesthesia is needed to perform certain surgical operations. Job opportunities for CRNAs will vary according to the care setting. Employment for nurse anesthetists is expected to grow more slowly in hospitals than in hospital outpatient facilities. CRNAs who work in dentist offices earn almost $180,000 a year, whereas, CRNAs who work in health practitioner offices earn just under $160,000 a year. Job opportunities and job growth for CRNAs is expected to increase greatly within the next ten

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