Nurse Anesthetist Research Paper

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Nurse Anesthetist Overview If you have ever been through an operation or your near one faced it, then you may be familiar with the name called nurse anesthetist. Nurse anesthetist or Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) play a significant role in pre and post surgery, during childbirth, in suffering. They make it easy for the patients to bear the pain. You may have heard the term anesthesiologists. Nurse anesthetists work under anesthesiologists and doing the same work as done by the anesthesiologists. Qualification The first step to become a nurse anethetist is to have a bachelor degree in nursing and obtain the licensure certificate as a registered nurse. A student having associate degree in nursing may go for the RN-to-BSN bridge…show more content…
Main Duties With a specialization degree in anesthesia, CRNA is responsible for pain management. They provide personal support to a patient and help them to overcome the anxiety during surgery. Here is a list of the major responsibilities performed by a nurse anesthetist in healthcare. Major responsibilities of a nurse anesthetist include…show more content…
As there is lack of experienced nurse anesthetist in rural areas and also in hospitals offering advance care, the scope of job opportunity for CRNAs is thriving in these areas. Presently United States is experiencing a shortage of experienced and qualified CRNAs. Also hospitals offering specialized care are looking for CRNAs owing to high-salary charged by the anesthesiologist. So the job prospects for CRNAs will expected to be growing in the coming years. Also if you have a doctorate degree in nursing, your chances of bagging a job is slightly more than a candidate having a master

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