The Nursing Case: Claims Of Malpractice In Nursing

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Personal liability is an important topic to discuss. Claims of malpractice could ruin the career of the nurse and destroy all the hard work that was completed to earn the RN title. While this is such an important topic it is one that most nurses don’t commonly think about. Many nurses believe their facility will protect them in case of a lawsuit. Westrick (2014) points out, “There is a difference and separation between the nurse’s liability and his or her employer’s liability” (p. 44-45). It is important to recognize if the facility has coverage and what they will cover and what they will not. Attempts to find the policy of the hospital this nurse is employed at were difficult. Once discovered, the policy was vague and spoke of a trust…show more content…
Two of the nurses interviewed did not have an additional liability policy in place. The first nurse LC, was unsure if the facility even had one and said she guessed they did since her old facility did. This fear of the unknown was evident as soon as the question was asked and she vocalized the fact that she needed to find out about it. She simply said she hadn’t thought about it until the question was posed to her. The second nurse GF, also said she assumed the hospital would cover her in the event of any litigation. She was not aware of the policy or what was written, she simply had heard from other nurses that she shouldn’t worry. Neither of the responses given by either of these nurses was based on the actual policy. Kim and Lee (2015) found that health information technology and more electronic records did reduc the number of medical malpractice claims, but cautioned that without high-quality electronic record keeping medical malpractice claims could increase (p. 123). Electronic charting requires a lot of time and attention and perhaps this charting overload may lead the nurse to assume they will be covered by their…show more content…
Both were required to buy them while pursuing higher education. Nurse SK, purchased her policy while in school earning her bachelors of nursing. She continued to pay for it after she had graduated. She wasn’t really sure how it worked or what the coverage was, but she said she would rather be safe than sorry in the case of a malpractice suit. Nurse RT, is currently working on obtaining her masters degree and purchased her policy as a stipulation of her program. She stated that once she finishes she will likely cancel the policy since she doesn’t feel she needs it. This could be a mistake. Dolan (2017) recommends advance practice nurses meet with a lawyer to discuss their coverage and ensure they are not vulnerable in the face of a malpractice lawsuit (p. 48). Again, both of these nurses didn’t really have a clear knowledge of their facility policy or their individual policy and had purchased it only when forced to do

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