Nursing Sensitive Indicators

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Introduction Nursing-sensitive indicators are important in terms of the holistic nursing care. It reflects the structure, process and outcomes of nursing care (Nursing-Sensitive Indicators, 2014). The National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators (NDNQI) is a program specifically for nurses to use as a resource in order to determine ways for quality improvement. Specifically, the NDNQI has included and endorsed pressure ulcers as a nursing-sensitive indicator. The NDNQI has also developed a training program to improve nursing accuracy and reliability in identifying and staging pressure ulcers. Pressure ulcers are defined as injuries to the skin and underlying tissue resulting from prolonged pressure on the skin (Bedsores, 2014). This paper…show more content…
Considering pressure ulcers are injuries to the skin, it’s become a routine check for many nurses in hospitals nationwide. As reported, the Maine Medical Center’s Intensive Care Unit (ICU) demonstrated hospital acquired pressure ulcer (HAPU) rates above the national mean rates for adult critical care units for five out of six quarters (Reerder et al.,2014). Maine Medical Center (MMC) is a 606-bed offering inpatient services in all medical specialties. This facility has measured pressure ulcer incidents since 1994. Many complications were seen with the way they were measured and reported. Data would reach the staff members after one week of entering them into the data collection system. This slowed down the process of trends and other staff members were unable to determine their department’s pressure ulcer data. By 2005-2006 the NDNQI received the data from the Maine facility in which they were able to have the data collection readily available to staff in electronic format along with benchmark…show more content…
In order to resolve this barrier the nursing staff switched from communication through documentation to bedside communication. This increased education to the patient and family members and gave an opportunity for nurses to fully relay information from patient to patient. Another barrier included training and educating new registered nurses and nursing assistants upon employment. The skin team educators were challenged to continue education through the future to ensure each nurse understood pressure ulcer stages and treatments. As reported, new nurse orientees frequently attend skin rounds in the CCU areas to observe and learn about skin care (Reerder et al.,

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