Ana's Standards Of Professional Practice In Nursing

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The ANA’s Standards of Care (SOC) are within the ANA’s Standard of Practice, and the SOCs consist of the standards for care coordination and the standards for health teaching and promotion. The APRN not only meets the competencies of care delivery coordination as an RN, but also meets these competencies by leading the coordination of multidisciplinary health care to meet the needs of patients in a safe, punctual, cost-effective manner. As the primary care provider, the APRN manages and ensures that the patients receive all of the aspects within their comprehensive treatment plans. The APRN also meets this standard of coordinated care by using information to link the patient to resources within the community, such as linking the patient to community…show more content…
The APRN must first perform with the basic standards of professional performance for the RN, and then one must further one’s practice with the standards of advanced nursing practice. These standards of professional performance are the following: ethics, culturally congruent practice, communication, collaboration, leadership, education, evidence based practice and research, quality of practice, professional practice evaluation, resource utilization, and environmental health. There are no competency tenets that are specifically for APRNs regarding the standard of ethics, education, and professional practice evaluation. All tenets of ethical practice, education, and professional practice are met as an RN. Both the APRN and RN will practice in an ethical and professional manner and participate in lifelong learning. The APRN ensures a comprehensive, culturally competent, evidence-based health plan for each client. Providing leadership and influence for effective communication, collaboration, quality improvement, and research, are other standards of care the APRN must enforce. The final standard of professional performance is environmental health. Not only does the APRN practice in a safe environment, but also the ARPN evaluates the various influences on the health environment on a…show more content…
Both provide a scope of practice for APRNs, and both require the advance practice education to be board-approved and nationally accredited. In both states, the student must have the prerequisite of being an RN first. The education requirements are also similar, for both states require the APRN to have both advanced didactic and clinical education and advanced education in assessment, pharmacology, and management in care (Advanced Practice Registered Nurses, 2017; TBN, 2017). There are differences in title requirements for APRNs among the two state boards. In Texas, APRNs must use the title of the particular subtype of their advanced practice role, such as Family Nurse Practitioner (TBN, 2017). In Louisiana, APRNs must use the title of APRN (Advanced Practice Registered Nurses, 2017). The scope of practice provided by the TBN is more broad and vague, while the LSBN scope of practice is more defined. According to the TBN (2013b), the scope of practice for the APRN consists of two scopes, which are the professional scope of practice and the individual scope of practice. Depending on their own competencies and professional portfolios, the TBN goes further to state that each APRN may have different scopes. The professional scope of practice for a

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