Person Centred Nursing Framework

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Person-centred care is focused on respecting and valuing each person as a unique individual with rights. This involves engaging with others in a way that promotes their dignity, sense of worth and independence. Allowing older people to take risks and ensuring appropriate measures to reduce the risk are in place. Person-centred care is about working together with patients on the things that are important to them without the restraint of rituals and routines. Person-centred care is unique to each individual and will depend on the needs, circumstances and preferences of the individual receiving care. What is important to one person in their health care may be unnecessary, or even undesirable to another and changes over time as the need of the…show more content…
McCormack’s conceptual framework differs from those by the likes of McCance et al (2001) as it focuses on person-centred practice with older people derived from a study of autonomy. The framework proposed was used on the national person-centred care programme. It is relevant in all healthcare settings. The person-centred nursing framework incorporates four constructs, which are inter-dependant: prerequisites, which focuses on the attributes of the nurse, the care environment, which focuses on the context in which the care is delivered, person-centred processes, which focuses on delivering care through a range of activities, expected outcomes, which are the results of effective person-centred…show more content…
This is the part of the framework that specifically focuses on the patient whereby the person-centred nursing in the perspective of the delivery of care. Working with patients’ beliefs and values reinforces one of the fundamental principles of person-centred nursing, which places importance on developing a clear picture of what the patient values about their life and how they make sense of what is happening (McCormack 2006). This idea of working closely with patients is closely linked with the sharing of decision making that nurses undertake by providing patients with all the information necessary to them and bringing newly informed perspectives into their established practices. The nurse must take into account the individual values of each patient to form a basis for good decision making which involves good communication

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