Reflection For Time Management

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My friend Alice took MM1051 in last semester. She wants to open her own company after she graduates. However, Alice has a bad habit that will affect her to achieve career goals. She always works in last minute, be a deadline fighter of assessment and late to attend classes. Be punctual is pivotal to everyone and we should be on time if we date someone. In the first class of MM1051, lecturer said that students should arrive at and settle down in the classroom before the class starts, arriving late causes unwanted disturbance. But it’s more important to a boss of new firm. Reunanen (2015) noted that the first step to be a good manager is to learn manage herself/ himself and one of the most crucial issues is to learn managing time usage. In some…show more content…
To do list, schedule book are methods that people usually do to manage their time. But I think people did not arrange works in order with these two methods. In the lesson, time management matrix is recommended to students. It is a useful tool that presented by Stephen Covey to help people managing their time efficiently in their life. I think it is also helpful to workers. People can divide their jobs into four quadrants according to their importance and urgency. Apart from time management matrix, there is a famous theory for managing time called Parkinson’s law. Work expands to fill the time available for its completion (Parkinson, 1955). It means people use two days to finish an assignment that they actually can do it within one hour, if the given time is two days. He suggests that people should set a time that is possible and earlier than the real deadline. Implementation should be rigorous too. These are the methods that can help Alice to tackle her problem. I will suggest an action plan for Alice in the following…show more content…
Alice also can separate her jobs into four parts according to their importance and urgency at first. Refer to the priority of works, we can choose which one we should do first. Things that important and urgent should be our first choice. Checking emails or social activities with peers can put in low priority. Next step, we should set a new deadline by ourselves. It just like challenge, set a shorter time and try our best to finish it on time. In the beginning, you can give more time for each task. If you can finish it on time, slowly reduce given time for the task. Indeed, you can finish in a short and limited time, but you think you can’t before. Try giving yourself less time than you think you need for each task. Late submission will not happen, and you can have more time to proof read of task and do it better comfortably, not fight for the deadline. These two methods are mostly talking about how to separate our jobs appropriately. I think that remind ourselves are important too. If not, we will forget and not follow the deadline and arrangement that we decided. Write a table for time management matrix and new deadline. Put it in places that you can see it clearly. For example. I stick memo paper on my computer and table where I work usually. You may memorize what you need to do in following date. If the job is done, use pen to cross
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