Moral Education In Japan Case Study

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3.1 China: An education system that cultivates amazing math skills According to china’s ministry of education researches, through its various teaching methods and approaches, china has achieved math record. Chinese curriculum sets for teaching math in 15 hours per week. Chinese students are taught to understand numerical relationships, to develop and prove their solutions to problems in front of the whole class. Teacher expose children to different types of mathematical scenarios by demonstrating problems that range in difficulty. The whole class is expected to engage in learning as a group. Children are expected to work out solutions to mathematical problems in front of the class. Application As one of the major issues in our schools are…show more content…
Moral education class time provides a framework through which the core of moral education can be practiced in various ways. This includes integrated lessons, moral stories and practicing examples in student’s daily life, like practice to keep the classroom clean, respect each other. Such practices teaches students moral education. Japanes curriculum’s aim of moral education is “The aim of moral education is to cultivate morality in virtues such as feeling, judgement, attitude and the will to actively contribute.” This aim should be taken into account when planning all lesson content and school activities to enrich it through deeply integrated, structured and developmental supervision to additionally deepen thinking on autonomous living and consciousness of moral values to underpin application in real 7 life” National Curriculum (Monbukagakushō,…show more content…
To understand concepts better, learners prefer various learning styles and strategies. The teacher should try to apply various theories, models, and strategies for better results in a classroom full of individuals, this enables to achieve high learner outcomes. Other factors like understanding about learning process, learning environment and teaching also contribute learning. Teachers need to expertise in content and in teaching to prepare students for flexible adaptation, which is one of the major goal in schooling. The unclear can be made clear and inclusion in learners can be promoted by modelling, which helps teachers to engage students in particular

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