Clinical Governance Reflection

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For this assessment, I will be reflecting on what clinical governance looks like in my workplace, with critique of the framework used within the organization. During the reflection I will discuss the pillars and principles included, while describing my fellow employee’s understanding of clinical governance and how it is reflected in their practice. Finding the clinical governance framework for my workplace was challenging and time consuming without computer access and only hard copy policy and procedure manuals. Clinical governance is summerised through the manuals, to ensure compliance of the 44 accreditation standards (Australian Aged Care Quality Agency, 2014) and legal requirements, but as Knight, Kenny and Endacott (2015) discuss, while…show more content…
Their practice reflects an understanding at ground level of what is required, giving the best care they can at a quality standard, while adhering to the nursing care plans to provide resident centered care and understanding the importance of mandatory reporting. Many staff are unaware of the process in place when reporting occurs, audits are conducted or new policies are implemented or why. This is due to the lack of communication and resources. It is unfortunate management are not on side with Gurdogan and Alphar (2016) in providing managerial infrastructure to safeguard high standards of clinical care, while educating the most crucial resources in their health care services, their employees. Although personal care workers have not been educated to understand clinical governance, if they had access to intranet or management chose to educate them, it would be valuable for the company, with evidence affirming this found in many research articles, like Nomura, Barragan and Almeida (2016) who outline the improvement electronic health records had on achieved quality and safety levels in healthcare services. This is also backed up by Sedeghi-Bazargani, Tabrizi, Saadati, Hassanzadeh and Alizadeh (2015) who insist it is the company’s role to ensure staff understand and accept clinical governance responsibilities and apply it into everyday activities, while the success of the framework relies on both management and staff at all levels to work together in goal

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