Dry Eye Case Study

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Dry eyes are common occurrence in rural population affecting both male and female above 40 yrs, especially those involved in agriculture related occupation 1. Pathophysiology of dry eyes is either due to increased evaporation or decreased tear production dry weather, dust, exposure to toxic substances, nutritional disorders, improper personal hygiene are contributing factors 2. Symptoms are foreign body sensation, blurring of vision, burning sensation, intolerance to wind beside easy fatigability of eyes.3. Aim is to design effective treatment protocol for treating poor patients from rural areas with dry eye disease (DED). Key words: Dry eye disease, tear film, artificial tears Introduction: Dry eyes are frequent cause of eye irritation with burning…show more content…
Gel preparations are added in patients reporting severe irritation. Fig.1: Showing improvement from DED symptoms after treatment 78 are comfortable and symptoms are improved. 6 patients there is not much improvement in signs and symptoms. In three patients symptoms worsened with medication and these 9 patients are referred to higher centers for further treatment. 5 patients are lost to follow up. Discussion: Dry eye is a leading cause of ocular discomfort in rural areas with a prevalence rate of 17.77% in outdoor workers. There is a good association between exposure to sunlight, excessive wind and air pollution. In the present study we found that artificial eye drops are helpful in controlling the symptoms of grade I & II of DED, lid hygiene along with artificial tears are helpful in treatment of hyper evaporative dry eyes is reported in the study of Messener. EM et,al

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