Driscoll Model Of Reflection MDT

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This reflective essay on Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) Case Conference, based on problem solving scenario which aim to provide Inter-Professional (IP) team with knowledge of real clinical environment. The essay examines my individual role within the team as physiotherapist, my performance and how to improve upon my leaning needs. It will scrutinise the roles played by two IPs, the District and Diabetes nurses. It then progresses to reflectively examine the roles of health and social care professionals, importance of IP collaborative working as well as evaluating nursing intervention that promote health. My team consisted of twelve student and the tasks allocation were executed my volunteered moderator. Mehanna (2008) recommend students to make…show more content…
Driscoll model is a simple reflective method which is well structured and useful for theoretical rational, easy to analysis incidents and also encourage critical evaluation of the model style for effective reflective practice. Reflector and readers require less effort to understand (Ghaye and Lilyman, 2006).Through this reflection I am able to learn from the experience and identify my learning needs in particular areas which require improvements (Allen, et al., 2008). As suggested by Price (2006) Reflection has significant connection between policies, theory and practice required to develop evidence–based practice, academic and professional and growth throughout my career. It is also important for improvement and development of lifelong learning (NMC…show more content…
The details of the care plan developed were education and appropriate lifestyle advice, medication management, and recognise and treatment of diabetes emergencies (e.g. hypoglycaemia).ref According to ….Advance care planning has been defined as a process of discussion between an individual, their care provider, and often those close to them, about future care. Therefore diabetes nurse should be aware of, and work within, agreed policies and procedures for diabetes care to deliver care effectively as enshrine in the development of national service frameworks (DH, 2004, 2005a, 2005b; NHS Scotland 2004, 2005; DHSSPSNI, 2005; NHS Wales 2003, 2005) and national occupational standards (Skills for Health, 2005).The purposes of this revised guidance document are to guide specialist nurses in providing safe, effective and accountable care for people with diabetes and their

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