Reasons For Westward Expansion

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Westward Expansion Intellectuals in the 19th century were concerned with westward expansion. The American leaders had their reason’s and the nation’s future in their hands. Their reasons to expand westward, or to defend what would’ve eventually become the U.S, is manifest destiny, overall common happiness, peace and prosperity of the people and how the Anglo-Saxon were thought to be superior. One of the major reasons why the American leaders wanted to have an expansion westward is because of Manifest Destiny. John O’ Sullivan believed that the nation’s obvious fate or future was to “overspread the continenet alotted by Providence for the free development of our yearly multiplying millions.” If the nation continued to be populated with travelers…show more content…
To expand westward would mean “new opportunities” as said by Jackson Turner. It’d also promote more jobs, more land, cities, and more. As Strong points out, “The unoccupied terrible lands of the earth and limited, and will soon be taken. The time is coming when the pressure of the population on the means of subsistence will be felt here as it is now felt in Europe and Asia.” If the nation were not to expand, they’d experience many limitations or reactions. Things like poverty, illnesses, limited supplies, overpopulation, and perhaps even anarchy would be happening, and the toll on the economy might also be severe. If the nation did decide to expand, things similar to poverty would not happen. Overall, the leading American thinkers were concerned with the happiness and prosperity of the people, a reason to expand…show more content…
Again, Strong says, “of the largest liberty, the purest Christianity, the highest civilization...will spread itself over the earth,” and, “It seems to me that training the Anglo-Saxon race for an hour sure to come in the world’s future.” What Strong means by the statement a that the nation and the people should expand westward because of their belief that their divine God was on their side, deeming them the superior and most worthy race. They interpreted this superiority over the other races to be how they should be able to overtake other lands with ease. The Anglo-Saxon, those of European descent, believed that if God was on their side, then nothing could possibly stop them or go awry. Strong also added in that, “this powerful race will move down upon Mexico, down upon central and South America, out upon the islands of the sea, over upon Africa and beyond,” to say that the Anglo-Saxon were believed to conquest all others, which would show that they are powerful and should be feared. In total, the Anglo-Saxon’s beliefs were that they were superior than that of the other races was a major reason to expand

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