Texas Annexation Thesis

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Thesis: Texas Annexation to the U.S. had a political, economic, social, and geographic contribution to the expansion of the U.S between 1800 and the 1890’s Background Info: First of all, Texas was apart of Spain for over 300 years but then declared independence on Mexico in 1836. Texas stayed independent for all 9 years. Many Texans liked the idea of becoming apart of the United States, but the Congress worried that the southern slave empire would increase and become too powerful. After, John Quincy Adams decided to stage a 22 day filibuster, to prevent annexation from coming to a vote but the Van Buren administration decided to abandon the annexation, and it stayed abandoned until 1843. After president John Tyler…show more content…
According to Khan Academy, in 1836, a group of U.S. citizens who had settled in Texas, declared independence from Spain, and it became its own territory. This is a key part of the expansion because it will allow the U.S. to try to claim Texas. Also, according to Medium.com, Great Britain didn’t want Texas to be in the US, so they tried to stop the US and get Texas into Mexico. This was also a key part because it disabled the ability for annexation in the 1830s. According to the Treaty of Annexation, it says that after the annexation, “all public lots and squares, vacant lands, mines, minerals, salt lakes and springs, public edifices, fortifications, barracks, ports and harbours, navy and navy-yards, docks, magazines, arms, armaments and accoutrements, archives and public documents, and public funds debts” will become the property of the US government. This Is important because this is telling what will become the property of the US, and what will not. And finally, According to Medium.com, Texas will be annexed as a state, and not a territory which means all military will be property of the US. This is a big political contribution to the the Western Expansion because texas will become part of the US, and will have to fight for the country. Unquestionably, Texas has politically contributed to the Westward…show more content…
For instance, Texas had a scarce population, so Stephen Austin sold plots of land to the new american settlers that he had gotten from a land grant from the Mexican government. As a result, this is a geographic contribution to the Westward Expansion because it helped many people start a new life like building a house or starting a farm. Also, Texas border was fought about, but was eventually agreed on the Rio Grande River. This Geographically contributed to the Westward Expansion because it is showing the area which Texas will be a state, and where it is not. On the other hand, on the primary visual of the map of Texas, it shows that 284,000 is going to be a slave district, and the other quarter is going to be a free district. This means that some of the land in Texas will have more crops than others since slaves or the main workers for producing them. This contributed geographically because it separated the Slave district away from the free district in the US. Finally, according to the Annexation Treaty, “The Republic of Texas, acting in conformity with the wishes of the people and every department of its government, cedes to the United States all its territories, to be held by them in full property and sovereignty, and to be annexed to the said United States as one of their Territories.” Therefore this geographically contributed to the westward expansion because Texas is

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