Race And Color Discrimination Case Study

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1. Prevention of Race, and Color Discrimination/VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Education on how to search for new hires, how to approach interviews, and keeping the EEO (Equal Employment Opportunity) principles in mind. Using the skills learned the employer needs to widen and diversify the pool of candidates considered for positions offered. Continuous monitoring of the policies that are in place to determine whether current policies are working to ensure proper treatment of all races, or religious interviewees and employees. Conducting self-analyses for each member of the hiring process will allow for recognition of potential problems. I chose this, as I feel it is very important to always remember the EEO when hiring, It can be…show more content…
http://online.vitalsource.com/#/books/9781305534216/pages/171028919 8. Americans with Disabilities Act Educating employers to be able to identify and determine legally allowed disabilities. HR will hold meetings with supervisors and employees on separate accounts to ensure proper treatment and accommodations are being made for those with disabilities. Research will be conducted often to ensure that everyone is currently up to date on what is allowed and what is not considered a disability. An open door policy will be held in affect in order to assure employees feel comfortable in addressing their concerns. This is a best practice because employers and employees need to know their legal boundaries due to a personal disability. The employer needs to be accommodating, but the employee needs to also know they can’t use this to their advantage to get out of working. http://www.dol.gov/dol/topic/disability/ada.htm 9. Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Provides coverage for employees to take a leave from work due to medically approved…show more content…
By normal attendance policies many employees are only allowed to miss a couple of days. Say a person has a serious medical condition, they will be missing more work than normally allowed. This protects their job. http://www.dol.gov/whd/fmla/ 10. Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) FLSA prohibits minors under the age of 16 from working long hours, or perform jobs that can cause health or safety. The Department of Labor signs must be present at all employment facilities. Proper documentation must be obtained and reviewed to ensure the age of any applicant. Written procedures are to be give out at the time of hire to employees. Oral job descriptions are to be covered and reviewed at time of interview and again upon first day of work, once hired. Hours are to be closely monitored by supervisor to ensure the employee is clocked out in a timely manner. This is a best practice because it keeps younger children safe from potential work hazards that may be affected due to their age.

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