Research Paper About Coming To America

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Coming to America Immigrants come to America to be free, to be prosperous, for a better government, for higher wages and a better quality of life. Coming to America creates a lot of challenges, for instance learning the language, fitting in, and getting a job. Learning English is a big deal for immigrants because it is difficult to learn a new language. Learning the language allows people to have more job opportunities, adjust better, and have more friends. It can also be very expensive, to get to America and for the immigration process. The definition of immigration is the action of coming to live permanently in a foreign country. Moving to America is hard on the children as well. Children also need to learn the language, get an education and try and make friends with other children. Their parents may find it difficult because they need to adjust, to living in a new country without their family and friends and also they need to adjust to an American lifestyle. There is less pressure on the children when their parents know the language…show more content…
Staying with people from the same country as them and maintaining cultural ties helps them feel less isolated. Sometimes immigrants live in an area that is higher percentage of people from the same country, an example of this is Pennsylvania where there is a large Dutch/German community. Sometimes immigrants feel like they don’t fit in and are not wanted. Some ways they stop feeling like this is continuing with their native customs and traditions, in my house we continue the tradition of celebrating Boxing Day (this is on December 26th). Immigrants have multiple challenges when they come to America, their main problem could be getting a job and maintaining a good lifestyle. Their parents or siblings might encourage growth/development within the culture of the new country, or they might want them to live by the same rules of their
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