Poverty In Early Childhood Education Essay

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Issue Essay: Poverty in Early Childhood Education According to the National Center for Children in Poverty, there are 23,331,379 children under the age of six in the United States. Of these 23,331,379 children, 12 percent live in extreme poverty, 24 percent live in poverty, and 48 percent live in low-income homes (NCCP, 2015). Poverty is an issue that is important in early childhood education because it is likely to increase poor health, poor school performance, and poor developmental outcomes in children. When a child is born in poverty they are 3 times as likely to have a failing grade, two times as likely to not be on reading level, and one-third as likely to drop out (NCCP, 2014). Poverty begins affecting a child’s development in the early stages of life. This can be caused by examples such as a lack of stimulating toys and books, a lack of communication, a lack of parent stimulation, poor nutrients, and many more. No matter the reason, studies have shown that poverty increases the likelihood of issues dealing with children who grow up in low-income homes. One of the issues research has shown to have affected children who live in poverty is that they are more likely to be in poorer health than wealthy children. This can be for many reasons. One reason is that it is…show more content…
It is estimated that a child in poverty spends 30 less minutes with a parent than the average child will (Lahey, 2014). That is 30 minutes of stimulating time lost. Research has found that there is a 30 million word gap between the wealthiest and poorest families by the age of 3 (Lahey, 2014). This is very alarming because vocabulary learned in the early childhood years is important in the success of reading and writing for the rest of their lives. Early childcare centers and education facilities can help in decreasing this word gap by using a diverse vocabulary throughout the day with the

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