Race And Inequality In My Home

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Race is a very controversial subject especially in the United States it is the basis for how we interact with those around us, what we perceive about them, and sadly for many it is alike to a limiting factor in regards to a group of people’s rights and whether or not they ascend up the social class ladder. Although one could argue that the issue of race is becoming less important I have never experienced firsthand what it is like to deal with inequality, I have witnessed it a few times around friends though. In my home I was always taught to treat everyone with respect and kindness there were never any cases of racism or hate towards others it never even occurred to me that other people didn’t think like this until later around the fourth grade.…show more content…
One of the most surprising parts in the film was when they tried to classify people by distinguishing their external differences and that they actually thought that because of certain characteristics one race was superior to the other even though it was not in the least bit scientifically accurate. It was amazing to see the sheer ignorance that people had in the past and that they would go as far as to ban marriage between certain races. Discrimination severs no purposes other than to elevate one group of people hire than the other there is no such things as a higher race or better ethnicity. Another interesting piece of information was the Eugenics movement which I had no idea about even more shocking was that this began in the United States and eventually led to the rise of Nazism and the genocide of so many people whose only flaw was having been born a different religion or skin…show more content…
During his study he said that African- American’s as a race were on a downward slope and that their lack of superior qualities would eventually lead them to become extinct. He compared African-Americans to the other racial groups and tried to prove that they were inferior however his research was extremely flawed. Hoffman did not take into account of the living qualities that many African-Americans had during the time. His reasoning behind this study was based probably on the fact that during his time much of the United States was very prejudice against the African-American people and he was more than likely trying to justify the segregation of black people by coming up with evidence to put behind
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