Protestant Reformation Dbq

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A major turning point that occurred in the sixteenth century, is known as the Protestant Reformation. The name Protestant Reformation defines all the events that happened during the time period which led to the effect of political, social and economical differences in parts of Europe. It involved people with power who controlled and ruled over small communities. At times it was not always fair how they ruled so people started to protest against what they believed was right. Different point of views and new ideas began creating religious wars. Europe was affected politically, socially and economically during the Protestant Reformation, these effects are now built into modern European society. There is more than one way that the Protestant…show more content…
It started to show how everyone was educated by one bible and that led to being the only source of knowledge for the people. They controlled people by telling them right from wrong in the eyes of the Catholic Church and unfortunately this followed to obsert strategies of how to gain back forgiveness from God. Luther was the one to see this was not right and just wanted people to see the wrongdoings of the Catholic Church and created the 95 Theses, but instead he accidentally created Lutheranism. Lutheranism led the German protestants which were conflicted in a war with the Catholic Church. Soon after came a man named John Calvin, and he started spreading Calvinism in northern Europe. He helped the city of Geneva separate from the Roman Catholic Church and reform it into better conditions for the people. Although many of these religions are not seen to be focused on the main point of their religion, this is how in modern society people are free to believe in whichever religion they…show more content…
For example, when Luther wrote the 95 Theses, he did this because the church was selling indulgences. Selling indulgences was wrong because it basically meant that if you did some kind of mischief or wrongdoing you could just pay the Catholic Church with money and get away with it. Sale of indulgences affected the economy by allowing the Catholic Church to have more control and power. It also left many people poor because of this, and was already unfair to the poor people. Another way that affected Europe was the technology at the time. Luther decided to translate the Bible into another language with the help of the printing press. There was also the trading route which many merchants traded goods like; spices, gold ,and silver. Eventually not all economy ways worked out but for the better part they did help develop modern society
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