Critical Race Theory Paper

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Joshua Concannon 000725410 09 December 2014 Pre-Law Scholars/Honors Special Project Title While the United States of America has made massive strides toward a more equal society, institutions are still embedded with prejudices and stereotypes. Because African Americans are one of the largest and most discriminated against minorities, they are the focus of Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird just as they will be the focus of this paper. This paper will analyze the Critical Race Theory as Derrick Bell began it, as well as call upon its significance and relevance in today’s society. To aid in this analysis, Harper Lee’s Pulitzer Prize winning piece of American literature will be referenced. It is quite clear that as a country, America has…show more content…
This theory is an academic discipline focused on revealing institutionalized racism following the civil rights movements. To create a more equal world, the legal system would have to be endlessly criticized, which is why it is called a critical theory. What is important and unique about this study is that it contains an activist dimension. Not only do scholars try to understand the situation, but also they attempt to change it, primarily through revelation. The Critical Race Theory movement is a group of scholarly activists that are interested in transforming the relationships among race, racism, and power. It builds on the insights and experience of two previous movements: the critical legal studies and radical feminism. The theory is also thought to have grown out of Marxist criticism of the system, which was called the critical theory. It is in theory a civil rights movement, but unlike traditional ones, which typically embrace instrementalism and step-by-step progress, critical race theory questions the very foundations of the liberal order, including equality theory, legal reasoning, enlightenment rationalism, and neutral principles of constitutional…show more content…
Because often times a trial is can be so indefinite, yet always in need of a final decision, the jury and those directing the jury have a tremendous amount of power in their hands. Our Founding Fathers realized that too; had they not, they wouldn’t have included the Sixth Amendment. The Sixth Amendment of the United States Constitution establishes the right of a defendant charged with a crime to a trial by an impartial jury. The end goal is to establish an impartial and fair jury; the difficulty is how to do

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