Quentin Tarantino Analysis

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Quentin Tarantino is known for his unpredictable violent films and first earned wide spread fame for ‘Pulp Fiction’ before going on to direct films such as Inglorious Basterds and Django Unchained. As Hollywood’s most commercially successful and media-savvy auteur, he’s utilized each of his films to reignite mainstream interest in everything from the French new wave with Pulp Fiction to 70’s Blaxploitation with Jackie Brown to Shaw Brothers Wuxia films with Kill Bill. As a young boy Tarantino worked at a Video Archives shop in California, this store rented old and new movies and was known as the place to go to get rare films. This is where Tarantino found his love for all kinds of movies. He spent a large amount of time in his youth going to…show more content…
Tarantino varies his camera distances, angles and focus. The camera usually pans away when extreme violence is taking place in a scene. In this case, one example is Reservoir Dogs. This scene is where a man’s ear is being cut off the action is not directly shown and the camera moves with the viewer but it still gives you an unsatisfied effect because you know what is going to happen. Tarantino tends to use camera blurs and pans away when someone is being shot or tortured, this is so it is bearable to watch because there is already a lot of gory scenes in his movies such as Django Unchained when it shows the white slavers being shot with big guns and you see the blood and guts spurting out and this is usually the case in every other movie he has made. This technique makes the violence more, rather than less because in this situation if you were actually there you would look away like the camera does. Another thing that Tarantino does, is subvert the realities of social structures which means he takes the traditional way of things and changes the way it would usually be used in film and even in real life, such as he makes the traditional underdog appear strong and in Kill Bill and Death proof, it is women who have been the victims who then take revenge on the other character. In Inglorious Basterds, it is Jews taking revenge on Nazi’s and getting…show more content…
This includes ‘Corpse’ Point of View, which is where the viewer would be if they were dead, or in the case of Inglorious Basterds a victim when a Nazi cross is carved onto Landa’s forehead. In addition to ‘Corpse POV’, Tarantino is also famous for featuring ‘trunk’ shots, which is similar to the “corpse” point of view, but with the camera looking out of an enclosed space, most often as viewed from the trunk of a car. These are seen from the trunk of a car in Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill 1 and 2, Death Proof and Jackie
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