Qualitative Research In Social Media

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A qualitative study with the CEO was done as an investigation of his way of communicating with the employees as well as a support to the theoretical base when formulating the survey questions that were used in the quantitative study that was carried out amongst the employees. The reasons for combining the two research methods was because they are complementary as described by Hammersley(1996, cited in Bryman, 2008, p. 607). Using both qualitative and quantitative studies can help with making the different aspects of the study fit together. In the study using qualitative research as a support for the quantitative research mainly takes the form of providing social context when constructing the survey questions (Bryman, 2008, p. 620), and it…show more content…
Social media however, has a sensitive nature and factors such as accessibility, target group characteristics and planning are directly relevant to the outcome when a CEO uses social media to communicate with the employees. Accessibility problems could result in some employees having a hard time being reached by social media communication and the lack of a proper integration plan could cause disturbance in the communication, employees may not be aware of the purpose of the CEOs efforts or not even be aware that the CEO has started using social media tools. However the individuals who followed the CEOs practises were likely to gain a better relationship with their leader. Furthermore it indicated that the informal nature of social media is a great way for CEOs to show more of their personalities and form a closer bond with the employees. that being said illustrated that if planned and used in the right way, CEO social…show more content…
• Only 24% of senior managers and 8% of directors surveyed received reports containing summary information and metrics from social media. Approximately half of the companies did not collect the information at all. • Nearly two-thirds of respondents (65%) used social media for personal purposes, and 63% for business purposes. Of those who used social media, 80% hada LinkedIn account and 68% had a Facebook account, demonstrating that executives and board members are familiar with this medium. • Still, only 59% of companies in the survey used social media to interact with customers, 49% to advertise, and 35% to research customers. Approximately 30% used social media to research competitors, research new products and services, or communicated with employees and other

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