The Impact Of Coffee In Vietnam

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Introduction: Vietnam is an Asian country,so that it has tropical climate which is suitable to grow coffee bean.Firstly, coffee trees are pruned short to conserve their energy and aid in harvesting, but can grow to more than 30 feet (9 meters) high ().The coffee varieties in Vietnam mostly Robustas with special flavour and tastes makes Vietnamese cafe becomes one of the most famous drink all around the world.To be more specific,coffee is one of the most popular crop in the world,it is a key global crop and the second most valuable commodity exported by developing countries such as: Brazil,Vietnam, worth around US$19 billion in 2015.Worldwide, around 2.25 billion cups of coffee are consumed everyday ( Watts,2016).Coffee was introduced in Vietnam by French missionaries in 1857. In the 1920’s, profitable coffee growing areas were discovered in the Central Highlands.…show more content…
The coffee industry is now looking to increase the output of instant and roasted coffee to 25% of the total coffee production by 2022. It is also expected that the both total coffee production and consumption will increase by 8% per annum by

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