Purpose Of Teacher Evaluation

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Teacher evaluation has two purposes: formative and summative (Danielson & McGreal, 2000; Haefele, 1993). Formative purpose concerns with the improvement of teachers’ performance through identifying their training needs and determining their strengths and weaknesses in order to enhance professional development. Summative purpose, however, provides a measure of teaching effectiveness for administrative decision-making, e.g. hiring, retention or promotion, to improve the students’ achievement (Haefele, 1993; Wei, 2015). Teacher evaluation should commit to both of these purposes (Colby, Bradshaw, & Joyner, 2002; Stronge, 1995). Schools evaluate teachers using a variety of approaches and instruments. Different approaches include classroom…show more content…
As different evaluators do not value the same teaching capacities and knowledge, participation of multiple evaluators is often seen as a key to successful evaluation; at least more than one person should be involved in evaluation (Peterson, 2000; Stronge & Tucker, 2003). It is also argued that since the purpose of teacher evaluation is to improve the quality of instruction, those persons who are most aware of what happens in classrooms (teachers, students and administrators) are
the most appropriate evaluators (Siedow,…show more content…
Teachers should be consulted on the strengths and the flaws of the system, from its design to its full implementation and review (Isoré, 2009). Teachers must also agree with the framework, which defines the standards of the profession (Heneman et al., 2006). Danielson’s Framework for Teaching (1996, 2007), or the standards developed by the NBPTS could be used as starting points, with further adjustments to meet the local educational goals. The creation of Teaching Councils, as in Ireland in 2005-2006, provided great opportunities to involve teachers in the setting of high-level professional standards, and more generally, to fully integrate teachers in redefining the profession for further policy development (OECD, 2005). As far as the author knows, the studies on teacher evaluation systems in Iran context are quite rare. Salmani (2013) has examined the status quo of Iranian EFL teachers in the private sector based on the data obtained from 337 English teachers in the private sector, their students (894 ones) and supervisors (28 ones) through using a checklist that was adapted from Danielson‘s Framework. The results of this study showed that 53.4% of teachers were proficient, 40.9% basic, 4.9% unsatisfactory, and 1.2% were

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