Effective Supervisors In Public Schools

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William Butler Yeats said, “Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.” All children can learn. As supervisors and teachers, it is our job to find the best path to guide them. Students learn by being motivated and supported by their effective teachers. Educational supervisors should be just as effective and motivating with their own staff. The ultimate purpose and goal of supervision is to have students grow, learn and become productive citizens via their teachers. To accomplish this, supervisors must lead and support their team in a collegial manner. Primarily, supervisors are responsible for the outcomes of their teams of teachers in the area of student achievement. They need to balance the needs of the district, teachers and students against growth data and best practices. Supervisors need impeccable interpersonal skills to evaluate and observe teachers in action, and then collaborate with them later to see if any tweaking or improvement is necessary with teaching style or technique.…show more content…
I prefer to use a collaborative approach as much as possible to keep motivation, interest and mutual respect high. When confronted with issues to be resolved, many teachers can direct their own improvement by use of the nondirective approach. Other teachers may need a stronger form of leadership through the directive approach. Nevertheless, the supervisor must always be available for direct assistance to the staff when such situations warrant it. A supervisor must be a good listener and problem solver. Other supervisory tasks can include such things as conferencing, problem identification, action research and modelling ideas or

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