Diversity In Inner-City Schools Summary

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Rhonda Smith Professor Melton English 1C 1 October 2015 A Critical Review of “Diversity” in Inner-City Schools By Rhonda Smith Introduction In The Uses of “Diversity,” Jonathan Kozol tells about the experiences that he encountered while working as a teacher in the Boston public school system. His story is presented in the form of a letter that he writes to a teacher who he had just watched give a presentation on diversity in Inner-City schools. This writing style is informal and allows the reader to eavesdrop on an intimate communication. This paper will put his story and his arguments under a microscope to evaluate his strengths and weaknesses within the story. (Jacobus, 2002) Summary This section summarizes The Uses of Diversity. His main…show more content…
His main arguments are his analysis of the curriculum that inner-city teachers are forced to use, the use of the word “diversity” to describe segregation in inner-city public schools and his analysis of the lack of funding in the inner-city public school system. His analyses are based on his time spent as a substitute teacher at a Boston public school and through interviews of students and teachers at various inner-city public schools. For example, when Kozol interviewed a Bronx high school teacher about the lack of funding the school in which he worked. The teacher stated “He had 5 classes with 42 students in each, there are not enough textbooks for each student and the students end up leaving because there’s no room for them in the classrooms.” ("Jonathan Kozol Savage Inequalities By D Beauford Pdf”) Evaluation This section is an evaluation of Jonathan Kozol’s letter written to his friend Francesca. First Kozol’s work is presented subjectively which creates a bias, because of his personal experiences; he is unable to present his analysis with complete objectivity. This bias makes it hard for the reader to completely believe the points he is trying to

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