Public Relations In India

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INTRODUCTION Public Relations have been all across the globe much before it was introduced in India (early 1990s). With the penetration of Public Relations, Traditional PR and Internet grew at an exponentially high rate in India. This also lead to the coming up of PR companies like Perfect Relations, Text 100 with a main focus on PR unlike Ogilvy which was known for its advertising services. Public Relations basically is a type of communication strategy that is carried out by an agency for its client forming a goodwill in front of the public as well as its competitors. PUBLIC RELATIONS Public Relations is a type of communication strategy that is carried out by an agency for its client forming a goodwill in front of the public…show more content…
OBJECTIVES OF PR 1. Establishing the goodwill of the client, whether it is an individual or a company/organization. 2. Promoting a product or a service and selling your client to the public and the competitors. 3. To keep the internal employees well informed about the company as well as the clients. 4. It also helps to overcome a negative image and helps establishing a good one. 5. It also helps its clients by giving advice to improve upon and educate them about the ways to do so. STEPS OF PUBLIC RELATIONS 1. Fact finding: A public relation officer must always be aware of all the corporate objectives of the company they are working for, The client’s needs and some media relations. He/She should also be able to know the Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to the company and all the fact about the client as well as their own company. 2. Planning: Planning the strategies according to the desired results. Planning so as to how much man power is to be used or how many hours are needed, Also the cost. It is a stage at which one chooses the strategy to be used and how to go about…show more content…
Radio: It is still the cheapest medium to reach out to the rural audiences and helps in the publicity of the organization. 3. Television: It is the most pervasive and influential medium of mass media and is readily available for the publicity. 4. Magazines: It is important for the feature news, Product release, helps in reaching out to a particular type of an audience. 5. Traditional Media: A developing country where illiteracy is still at a high rate the traditional media plays a very important role. Events, speeches, drama, dance etc comes under the traditional media. INTERNAL MEDIA OF PR 1. House Journals: It is a periodical document share within the company to establish regular communication between the company and its employees and partners. It is done on a regular basis. 2. Bulletin Board: Many times the company or the organization puts up notes or important information on the bulletin boards to keep their employees well informed. 3. Printed Literature: It is a document giving important details of a product or a service. 4. Annual Reports: Yearly reports for keeping a track of the company’s financial status and the media coverage of its clients. INTERNAL PUBLIC OF

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