Essay On Urban Transport

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1 Introduction Being a developing country India is under growing rapid growth in various sectors. Therefore, it is necessary for urban areas to provide support to the developing economic activities in form of infrastructure for easy and sustainable flow of goods and such form of support is urban rail in India. Public transport is a more sustainable form of transport. Therefore, the central government would promote investments in public transport as well as measures that make its use more attractive than that of personal motor vehicles. Towards the end, the Central government would encourage each city with a population of more than 2 million to start planning for a Mass Rapid Transit (MRT), adopting a technology that would best suit the city requirements in the next 30 years. Despite of all this if we see the metro guidelines selection of public transport is based on PHPDT, Population and Average trip length. India is rapidly growing…show more content…
As cities are expanding the travel demand is also increasing. Travel demand and city size has direct relation. To tackle all this issues we need to have a sustainable transport mode. Public transportation is very important for a city for nurturing its economy, facing its environmental and energy challenges and completing social needs. There are various modes of public transportation out of which Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), Light Rail Transit (LRT), Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) systems forms an integral part. These can move a mass of people from one place to different parts of city quickly because of scheduled headways, high frequency, dedicated corridors etc. In this study, the minimum threshold size of a city is being evaluated for implementing these

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