Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions In Israel

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CROSS CULTURAL MANAGEMENT Israel Project Report Submitted to Prof. Ritu Tripathi Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore On 20th November, 2014 GROUP-9 Shrikant Nikade 1311123 Rajesh Bandi 1311393 Andrea Roncoroni 13E5060 Michael Adalbert Ferdynand 13E5056 Fabien Louis Jules Clouard 13E5030 Table of Contents Introduction: Indian and Israeli economic relation 3 Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions 3 Power distance 3 Individualism 3 Masculinity 4 Uncertainty avoidance 4 Pragmatism 4 Business Etiquette 4 Dress Attire 4 Pre-knowledge of religion: 5 Table Manners 5 Language and Aggressiveness 5 Visitors Etiquettes 5 Business negotiations & communications 5 Communication 5 Negotiation 6 Expatriates 7 Israel MNC 8 Conclusion 9…show more content…
In order to expand Serendipity activity in Israel the Indian organizational model with strong hierarchy, top-down structure and centralization of decision has to be changed to a more flexible and flat structure in which egalitarian values are fostered by the organization, where equal rights gets promoted with the management empowering and consulting employees workforce. Individualism The two countries score similar in this dimension, though that doesn’t mean that the implications are same. In the workplace Indians are mainly collectivistic; their score is mediated by the individualistic aspects of Hinduism. On the other hand the Israeli society, due to its strong multicultural national presence, is a mix of individualistic and collectivistic cultures. Going to Israel SI has to consider the fact that Israelis have strong belief in self-actualization and people have a deep sense of accountability. SI should be aware that it has to create more individual incentive systems and more individual tasks in order to motivate Israeli…show more content…
For instance, Tel Aviv is the most expensive city in Middle East and the 24th most expensive city in the world according to Mercer cost of living survey. Accommodation in Urban Centre is notably very expensive, and it is often the main expense of expat people. However, daily life remains reasonable with affordable prices for food and shopping. Because of Aliyah, State offer lot of incentives to new immigrants and it is a valuable support at the beginning. The Indian community in Israel stands integrated together with several associations like Indo-Israel Culture Association been created lately, which promotes culture in the country through lectures and artistic performances. Also, a cricket tournament organized by the embassy in Israel in 2011 saw lot of participation from Israeli-Indian expats and Indian

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