Industrial Relations In India

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China is the largest country in East Asia and has the largest population in the world which is 1.3 billion taken up one fifth of the total world population. Since 1978, it became one of the world's fastest growing economies. China owns a labor force of 778.1 million covering 58 % of entire population including 50% of the Chinese labor forces is in agriculture, 22 % in industry and 28 % in service field. The share of GDP in these sectors are not equal to the percentage of people employed, agriculture, industry, services contributes to 14%, 52.9 % and 32.3 %. China has an inflation rate of 1.2 % and an unemployment rate of 10.1 %. From 1981 to 2001, poverty rate in China has also declined from 53 % to 8 % due to the fast growing of industrialization.…show more content…
In the colonial period, India was under British government and the industrial relations were only means to maintain the colonies, the role of India at that point of time was to maintain the peaceful industrial relations so as to have continued production. In the post-colonial period, India started to develop its industrial relations structure based on the pre-existing colonial law. The main purpose of doing that was again to achieve industrial peace and have continued production. Meanwhile, the India unions were supported by policies and the labors rights were also protected by laws. India was tolerant of unions and recognized the value of labor management cooperation in the context of planned economic development. The employers took more pressure and the protectionist policies in favor of the unions. During the emergency era, the power of the unions was restricted, but because this period was very short, it did not have a long term influence on the industrial relations. In the last era of globalization and liberalization, India recognized that the policies should be flexible enough in the workplace practices to keep the industry competitive. Today, the employers in India facing the stress of fierce competition which come from the globalization and they wish to maintain the…show more content…
Thinkers like Robert, Rustin and others attracted the attention of the public and the government towards the human working condition in factories, plantation and mines. The government also set up “Royal Commission of Labor” in 1929-1930. • Tripartite: After independence several such forms were formed to help the employee, employer and Trade unions to reach consensus. The major tripartite bodies formed: Indian labor conference, standing labor committee, industrial committee for specific industries etc. • Encouragement of voluntarism: The government also promotes voluntarism involving a serious role of code to regular labor management relations. These codes include codes of discipline, code of conduct and code of efficiency and welfare. Specifically the code of disciplines encourages voluntary arbitration and helps in maintaining discipline at workplace. • Intervention: The government also plays an interventions role. The intervention is in the form of cancellation and adjudication the industrial dispute act, 1947. • Employer: The government also plays the role of the largest employer. The performance of this role influences labor policy also. Obviously the government takes into consideration the interest of public sector while framing its

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