Importance Of Skill Development Programme

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UNIT 5 - SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES Jesuin John Bose .P, Assistant Professor, Madras School of Social Work, Chennai. CONTENTS 5.1 Aims and Objectives 5.2 Introduction to Skill Development Programmes 5.3. Inter State Youth Exchange Programme (ISYEP) 5.3.1 Objectives 5.3.2 Functioning 5.3.3 Implementation and Funding 5.4 National Integration Camp (NIC) 5.4.1 Objectives 5.4.2 Functioning 5.4.3 Implementation and Funding 5.5. International Youth Exchange Programme 5.6. Summing Up 5.7. Key Words 5.8. Further Readings 5.1. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES The unit aims to provide an understanding of the various youth related Skill Development Programmes in India. The unit provides detailed information regarding the programmes implemented by the Government…show more content…
Mention the importance of skill development for youth? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5.3. INTER STATE YOUTH EXCHANGE PROGRAMME (ISYEP) The Inter State Youth Exchange Programme (ISYEP) aims at promoting national integration tour through interstate exchange visits to states that have marked cultural differences. The programme facilitates the youth to live and work in one State not exceeding six weeks and specific priority is given to Border States of the country. The programme is implemented under the National Programme for Youth and Adolescent Development (NPYAD) ‘Umbrella Scheme’ by the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports. 5.3.1 Objectives The main objective is to promote a national integration tour through interstate youth exchange and more specifically the objectives of the programmes aim at: a) Familiarization with the environment, family life, social customs, etc. of the people living in different parts of the country. b) Understanding of the common historical and cultural heritage of the country as symbolised in historical monuments, cultural forms and the way of life of the…show more content…
State Government Departments, Panchayati Raj Institutions and Urban Local Bodies and Educational Institutions are eligible for assistance under the programme. From 2013-14 organisations applying for grants are required to register themselves online on the ‘NGO Partnership System’ developed by the Planning Commission. The assistance for the programmes is sanctioned based on the recommendations of the Project Appraisal Committee (PAC) headed by the Secretary of Youth

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