Pros And Negatives Of Globalization

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Nowadays we can enjoy the same films, fashions, brands, advertisements and TV channels despite the national boundaries. It seems that the evident differences among countries are tending to disappear. Nowadays, the world is more complex and interdependent than ever before. Globalization has become an unstoppable trend throughout the world which are becoming the most pressing and touchy issue all over the world in various areas. However, the controversy of globalization is far from over. For one side, globalization creates conditions for widening global exchanges and cross-culture communication; strengthening mutual understanding among countries and nations, expanding cooperation in various aspects not only include culture, but also educational…show more content…
A division of labor in general refers to the separation of tasks in the production process (Warwick.E, 2006). Recent years, one of the most important trends is the rise of the new international division of labor. It give the opportunity for fluxion of land, labor, capital and make countries be able to own and compete in the new markets; it promote the developing in transport and communications technology. Most importantly, developments in processing technology can also standardize production and use unskilled labor. However, when it brings advantages to the world, there also exist a range of persistent negative impacts simultaneously which include: Rural to urban migration and explosive urbanization and industrialization; Environmental degradation and pollution resulting from industrialization; Increased economic vulnerability as economies open themselves up to investment flows and unavoidably cultural…show more content…
Because it make the world become tightness, there will be convenient of traffic, production of world-class, news from global. You could drive car from Germany, see film of Hollywood from America, and pull on fashionable costume from France etc. In wildly sense the positive aspects could be summarize as follows: First of all, under globalization, a close correlation between a country’s domestic economic performance and its participation in the world’s economy are created (John L.Seitz,Kristen A.Hite, 2011). Because of this, global economic efficiency is undoubtedly being promoted. Second, nations around the world now face common problems and working together to solve it (John L.Seitz,Kristen A.Hite, 2011). Therefore, it allows more transnational assistance and corporation. At the same time hunger and crime rates are lowered as poverty is reduced. Thirdly, some new products are available and often at a low price. It allows consumers to buy what they need and want for the lowest possible price. Last but not the least, new jobs are created in term of there are much more TNCs established in the fanaticism environment of transnational

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