Tuesdays With Morrie Character Analysis

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They say, “To uncover your true potential, you must first find your own limits and then you must have the courage to blow past them (Picabo Street).” From the time we all come into this prepossessing world, we all get attached to that one person in our family that we love and adore. We have one of our cousins or older brother or sister we set as our inspiration. We do all we can to be successful like he/she. Ever since I was in my childhood year my cousin and I had a strong bond that was unbreakable since we had spent a lot of time living together under one roof. She would never let me be sad and wouldn't ever let me cry over something. There’s a saying that “all the good things must come to an end” well that relates to me a lot because my cousin had to move to a different state for, her studies and we barely got to see each other. Changes occur in many ways but, there are also a lot of…show more content…
I can relate some sort of the novel to my personal experience of how my cousin changed and how my view towards her has changed after what I saw. Sometimes I had to force myself to forget all the good memories that we had spent together in our childhoods and live the truth that once someone has changed their way of living their life we cannot undo it. Morrie believes that you have to let go of that emotion flow within you: “Turn on the faucet. Wash yourself with emotion this won’t hurt you it will only help you” The analogy of stepping into the emotion acknowledges the act of being able to step out of the emotion: to willingly overcome a fear or an experience. Moreover, the philosophy Morrie implies the idea that these experiences may be distressing, but by allowing the experience “to penetrate you fully,” I realized that, in the end it’s what’s going to allow me to overcome the memories that my cousin and I had spent

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