Argumentative Essay On Globalization

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FOREWARD: It is quite a task to write a research paper on something as contentious as Globalization. It is even harder to bring out the benefits of globalization as today all the evil that happens around is attributed to this concept, which has existed in simpler as well as complex times and thus cannot and should not be blamed. In fact, I purport that Globalization always aims to make everything easier. It strives to work for all and not just few. It is wise to cite an analogy in the words of David DeBry, *[“Globalizing Instructional Materials: Guidelines for Higher Education”,TechTrends] that globalization is like a round toed shoe that fits people with all types of feet. It is not as comfortable as a perfectly fitted shoe and does not fit snugly but in the end it fits all. Globalization is a link which connects the world, a concept tying the ends of the world and a process bringing all states together. It is not a new concept and has been in existence since long. The present times mark a new phase of globalization which Thomas Friedman aptly puts that ‘Globalization is getting farther, faster, cheaper and deeper.’ It is an inevitable concept and it has its consequences some, good, some bad and some unintended. To quote - Phil Condit, Former Chairman and CEO of Boeing, ’we are moving toward a global economy. One way of approaching…show more content…
It existed as early as ancient times. [9] It may even be said that the world economy in earlier times was much more integrated than it is today. There were few restrictions on the movement of goods, labour or capital. As early as mid-19th century, the global economy was dominated by European bourgeoisie. Transport and migration of people was less regulated and comparatively cheaper. Hence, labour was far more mobile between countries than it is today. The central institution of the global financial system in the 19th century was the gold standard.

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