Globalization The Super Story By Thomas Friedman Summary

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GLOBALIZATION’S VIEW Globalization as a tool to connect countries, governments, people, which has positives and negatives sides towards equality and opportunities. The article by Thomas Friedman, “Globalization: The Super-Story” expresses his posture among globalization which can be a controversial and complex topic to analyse. In some cases viewing Friedman’s point of view I did not agree and felt that the statements about globalization were more his opinion. According to Friedman “globalization is an inexorable integration of markets, transportation, systems, and communication systems to a degree never witnessed before. In a way that is enabling the world to reach into corporations, countries, and individuals farther, faster, deeper and cheaper than ever before” (392). Throughout the article he gave examples of how globalization had changed the world in negative and positive effects. The first example is the Cold war as a division symbolised by the Berlin Wall. The second example is the feature of integration as the World…show more content…
I consider Friendman’s definition of globalization as his main point of view, his thesis and what he should go through for the rest of his essay. In discussion of Friedman’s definition, I found as a controversial issue that he would define globalization as an integration between markets, corporations, and individuals; then arguing globalization system as one of the balances the nations and countries superpowers and balancing states. The theme that I consider the most controversial, Friedman describing the United States as a “sole and dominant superpower and all other nations and subordinates to it in one degree or another” (392). In my opinion nowadays globalization consist mostly in a free market and it does not necessarily consist as superpowers with

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