Project Management Knowledge Areas

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1.8 Project Management Knowledge Areas The Project Management Knowledge areas are used throughout project management. They are usually specialised in a specific area to do with project management. Depending on which area or topic in project management is being used, will determine what processes and which knowledge area is needed. How many knowledge areas that are needed will vary on the unique needs of each different project. There are 10 Knowledge Areas · Project Integration Management - involves the set of actions taken that will lay out what work needs to be done by the Project Management Process Group in order to achieve project goals · Project Scope Management – involves the set of actions taken that establishes the…show more content…
· Project Communications Management – involves the set of actions taken to ensure information regarding the project is correctly handled. These actions include planning, creating, collecting, distributing, storing, retrieving, managing, controlling and monitoring. · Project Risk Management – involves the set of actions taken in order to monitor a risk on a project. These actions include conducting risk management planning, analysis, identifying the risk and planning and implementing a response. · Project Procurement Management – involves the set of actions taken in order to retrieve products and services that may be needed from outside the team · Project Stakeholder Management – involves the set of actions taken in order to establish what could be of impact to the project, people and groups for example. These actions include analysing stakeholder expectations to establish their impact on the project, and in order to engage stakeholders correctly, managing strategies are developed. 1.9 Project Management Process…show more content…
Influences can have a positive or negative effect. The Enterprise Environmental Factors come from the outside/external environment. A project can be influenced or directed by these factors as the project team have no control over them. Enterprise Environmental Factors can have an influence at any level. Internal organisational culture, structure and governance are set of these factors. Examples include · Vision · Mission · Beliefs · Cultural Norms · Hierarchy · Authority relationships Organisational Process Assets come from inside the enterprise and can have an impact on the management of a project. ‘Organisation Process Assets are the plans, processes, policies, procedures and knowledge bases specific to and used by the performing organisation’ (A guide to the project management body of knowledge, 2017) Examples included · Change control procedures · Templates · Information from previous projects · Lessons learned repositories 1.11 Tailoring the Project
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