The Green Hrm: The Management Philosophy

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The Green HRM- The Management Philosophy Green Management In recent years there has been a great awareness about the going green concept and environment friendly concepts. The businesses are also becoming more sensitive to such issues and thus are coming up with various initiatives which support the go green concept. The researchers have become more conscious about the environmental factors after the recent climate changes and tragedies due to these changes e.g. Kyoto 1997, Bali 2007 and Copenhagen 2009 (Victor, 2001). More and more organizations, Self Help Groups and NGO’s around the world are working towards creating awareness among the masses about the harmful effects of the industrial pollution and waste and are trying to join hands in…show more content…
The green movement has inspired many organizations to adopt environment friendly practices. Organizations are responsible for the environmental degradation (Alshuwaikhat & Abubakar, 2008; Haden et al., 2009). The concept of green HRM originated in the year 1996 from a book titled greening people: human resources and environmental management. Green HRM is about the holistic application of the concept of sustainability to organization and its workforce (Aravamudhan, 2012). For creating a workforce which understands the green concept and practices the same, GHRM is required to be practiced by any organization looking towards in this direction. All the HR activities (e.g. recruitment, training & development, compensation, PMS Etc.) should be driven by keeping the green initiatives in…show more content…
Human Resource (HR) can promote the environmental issues by incorporating it in the management philosophy, HR policies and practices, training and development and awareness about the various Environmental Laws. Thus making the employees aware and conscious about the environmental issues. The HR should try different ways to incorporate various green practices in the HR practices like recruitment, training and development, performance and compensation, etc. There are certain general practices which can be adopted as HR green practices across the organization irrespective of department, every employee should follow these practices, some these are mentioned below:  Using both sides of paper while printing  Cycling to work if possible (in India this can be practiced in winter seasons)  Carpooling when going to work  Bring his or her own mugs for tea or coffee (ceramics cups and plates instead of paper

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