Lilly Ledbetter Argument

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After Lilly Ledbetter’s suit was denied, she decided to pass a bill in Congress. To pass the bill, it had to be dropped in a box called “the hopper.” The bill was then assigned to a committee and the House and Senate vote on whether to pass or reject it. Lilly Ledbetter testified before the House Judiciary Committee and after one month, the Ledbetter Act passed through the House. Lilly Ledbetter’s bill was sponsored by the Education and Workforce committee chairman George Miller. Lilly Ledbetter had to testify twice before the Senate, the first time being in January 2008. The 110th Senate voted on the bill in April 2008 and Lilly Ledbetter tried to convince all of the senators to vote for the bill. Finally, the bill won by a close 225-199 on the last day of July. Lilly…show more content…
Yet women continue to make 78 cents for every $1 a man takes home. A typical 25-year-old woman has lost more than $440,000. The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act will help to close the wage gap. Not only that, but the bill sends a message being that economy work should work for everyone. The bill doesn't only show support for feminism: People being discriminated against for their age, race, ethnicity, religion, or disability can file lawsuits under the Ledbetter Act. Now, anyone being discriminated against can sue after 180 days. Hopefully, employers won't discriminate because of the strengthened penalties. In 2013, a bit after the Ledbetter Fair Pay Act had passed, the Defense Department lifted the ban on women serving in combat roles. Today, the #Metoo movement about harassment in the workplace is empowering women and inspiring others to speak out. Ledbetter and other influential women may have inspired these women to stand up for themselves. Women are now allowed the same remedies as those discriminated against based on race or origin. The bill would allow the EEOC to research ways to promote equal

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