Knowledge Management Theory

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Source #1 Forghani, M. A., & Tavasoli, A. (2017). Investigating the Relationship between Knowledge Management Dimensions and Organizational Performance in Lean Manufacturing. International Journal Of Management, Accounting & Economics, 4(3), 218-225. In this journal article, Forghani & Tavasoli conduct research to study the relationship between knowledge management and organizational performance. Five hypotheses were tested. There is a relationship between knowledge acquisition and performance, there is a relationship between knowledge registration and performance, there is a relationship between knowledge creation and performance, there is a relationship between knowledge sharing and performance, and there is a relationship between knowledge…show more content…
Leidner & Becerra-Fernandez break their research into four major categories in the book. Part one takes a conceptual look at knowledge management from an individual, group, and organizational perspective. Additionally, part one explores the link between knowledge management and organizational culture. Part two explores the role of information management and the impact of social media, knowledge management technology, and information management support across these platforms. Part three describes the role of knowledge management systems in organizations to include communication, knowledge transfer, development and growth of knowledge management systems, and lessons learned. Part four descries the role of knowledge management in enhancing team and organization functionality. This source will be important to my project as Leidner & Becerra-Fernandez provide a view of knowledge management with emphasis on the technological aspects of implementation of a knowledge management system. This source also explores the integration of social media into a knowledge management…show more content…
(2015). Techniques for Effective Knowledge Management (ATP 6-01.1). Retrieved from In Army Techniques Publication 6-01.1, techniques for effective knowledge management are described in detail as relevant to implementation in a military environment. This publication covers assessing, designing, developing, and piloting, and implementing knowledge management solutions. The publication provides linkage between doctrinal guidance and operational implementation. ATP 6-01.1 introduces and explores the four components of military knowledge management which are people, processes, tools, and organization. This source will be important to my project as my organization is a government and military entity. Many aspects of knowledge management requiring improvement span both civilian and military systems. ATP 6-01.1 ensures that the military aspects of knowledge management are explored in addition to the other business-related knowledge management sources previously

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