Professional Development Training Paper

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The business dictionary describes Professional Development Training as follows, “Process of improving and increasing capabilities of staff through access to education and training opportunities in the workplace, through outside organizations, or through watching others perform the job. Professional development helps build and maintain the morale of staff members, and is thought to attract higher quality staff to an organization…” ( This paper will show the different types of training from Webinars to Wearables and one company who proved the value of having developed a successful Professional Development Training. Technology has made a huge impact on the training world by bridging all the countries and bringing us…show more content…
This a great tool for uniting the diverse cultures from all over the world to partake in professional development at the same time and able to communicate with questions and answers after the training. This helps the cultures to unite as one. It’s as simple as gathering names, titles, department, and email addresses of those who will be partaking in the session. Then on the day of the webinar everyone will log on. There is no limit to the amount of people who can logon. This will bring everyone together in a team environment. Important details as the facilitator the following should be considered when dealing with global contacts: know the distinction concerning high and low power distance cultures; learner’s knowledge and experience; participants language skill; simple language be jargon free; and be learner centered observe nonverbal language. (Zuniga,…show more content…
(T+D2014:64, 2015) They are an insurance company for devices and had to deal with unhappy employees regarding the lack of Professional Development openings, plus an increasing growth in the core area of the company, and in need of hiring more leadership. To solve their dilemma Human Resources (HR) and the training department teamed with the operations manager. The result was the formation of a leadership development program for high potential leaders. It was named “Frontline Investment in Growth High-Potential Talent” (FLIGHT). By using on-the-job rotations lasting six months it enabled the participants to learn different areas of the business and build the necessary experience to do the supervisory roles. This program had a max impact on each participant plus the business. Since implementation: 71% have graduated and received a promotion. On a four point scale the skill level went from 1.68 to 3.16 and a 23% increase in the operations engagement scores. Plus there was an improvement of 11% in handle time, $6,300 savings by a project initiated by a graduate of FLIGHT. Creation of a metric system for the presort in the Materials Department, quality score increased from 4.33 to 4.53 within a month, and lastly the employees rated FLIGHT on of their top three

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