Impact Of Information Technology On Human Resource Management

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Information Technology- Impact on Human Resources Practices in India Ms. Kirti Sharma Mrs. Tripti Sharma Asst. Prof. Madhav College,Gwalior Asst. Prof. IPS College , Gwalior Email- ABSTRACT IT is becoming a vital fragment of today’s scenario while human resource management has also being affected in different methods though its implementation and application using the descriptive statistics this study look for overall impact of IT on HRM. The impact of IT adoption on HRM, It revealed that It is increasing the efficiency of HR management activities through an effective employee communication and involvement while the roles and of HR managers has grown extensively due to their adoption and incessant…show more content…
This is because of IT and its broad area of software and applications have already made their presence felt in HR area. Technology and HRM have a broad range of influences upon each other and HR professionals should be able to adopt technologies that allow the re-engineering of the HR functions , be prepared to support organizational and work design changes caused by technology and be able to support a proper managerial climate for innovative and knowledge based…show more content…
This term is commonly used as an equivalent for computers & computer networks, but also encircles other information delivery technologies such as radio, television and mobiles. Several organizations are associated with information technology, such as computer, hardware, software, semiconductors, internet, e-commerce, telecommunication device and computer services etc. Meaning of Human resources Management- Human resources management to identify, select, trained and develop human resources organizations to achieve organizational goals have been defined. Thus the applications of human resource management, human resources Company, to achieve the organizational goals. Some of most common types of human resource management functions are- job analysis, recruitment and selection process, human resource planning, human resources, performance evaluation, human resources training, discipline and salary etc. Objective of the

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