Production Line Layout Report

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CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION The purpose of this chapter is to provide a review about project background, problem statements, objectives, scope of project and a conclusion as a fundamental guideline for this project. PROJECT BACKGROUND Nowadays, the manufacturing industry is growing more fast and complex. As example, Small and Medium Enterprises (SME’s) have always played as a role in the economies of all major industrial societies and employment levels where most of the new manufacturing concepts and technologies have been widely implemented in manufacturing industries. In order to achieve the objective which to improve productivity and quality, an attempt has been made to conceive and implement new strategies which give…show more content…
To design a production line layout resembled from the existing production layout using WITNESS simulation software. To propose a new improvement production layout design after being analyzed by using WITNESS simulation software. To study and explore WITNESS simulation software. SCOPE OF PROJECT This study will analyze some problems encounter in production line in order to improve productivity and discover a solution to overcome the problems with an effective method by using WITNESS simulation software. This study is conducted at PJ Foods Industry Sdn. Bhd. which located at Indera Mahkota 14, Kuantan, Pahang. Only one production line involved in order to produce spices and fried chicken flour. Production line layout design will be evaluated by using WITNESS simulation software. CONCLUSION As a conclusion, the overview of this chapter has been discussed. In the beginning, it introduces a brief concept of the SME’s industry facing some problems in their production activity. Then, the problem statements were discovered after selecting the suitable company. Lastly, the objectives and scopes of project are stated in order to synchronize the boundary of study to avoid any deviation from the title of the…show more content…
Thus, the plant layout design is depends on the variation of general pattern of work flow based on product and volume of production. A. Process Layout A process layout is a structure which equivalent equipment or perhaps operates are generally assembled together, like just about all lathes a single place and also just about all rubber stamping equipment within another. A part currently being worked tirelessly on then moves, good recognized routine associated with functions, from place for you to place, in which the right equipment are located per procedure. This kind of page layout can be usual associated with private hospitals, for example, where by parts focus on particular sorts of health care, like maternity wards and also intensive health care units. Figure 2.3: The Process Layout in term of design concept. B. Product Layout A product layout is usually one of particular equipment which products are made from the operations usually are organized according to progressive steps. The trail for every single part is usually, in essence, a straight series. Production lines with regard to sneakers, chemical plants, and car washes are extremely solution product

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