Problems In Electronic Communication

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Introduction Communication is a one of most needed thing of human being. No matter of time, situation for people to communicate with each other. Electronic communication is a one of method of communication in present day. With development of technology it became major communication method. So mobile is a one of devices that we use to communicate in electronic communication. Nowadays mobile is most needed thing to people to communicate because of easy to use more accuracy, efficient and quick access. Even the technology of mobile communication is better than the past drop call is usually happening in develop countries also. There are a lot of reasons to happen the drop call. Users of mobile phones are increasing day by day, and it will be double…show more content…
A lot of GSM service providers and ISP (Internet service providers) are trying to solve these problems and some of achievements are done and some of them can’t prevent yet. Some time dropped call cost a life some time it will be cost to economy. In here we discuss about problems and the solutions clearly. We can categorize this by problems with the carrier, problem in our environment and problem with our phone. Drop the network when we travel: Assume that we are traveling one place to another by vehicle of we are walking. But we have the connection to our phone at everywhere. But sometimes we take drop connection problem for a short time. If we were in call with some time that connection will be dropped and we have to take the call…show more content…
There a lot of solutions for the dropped call some of them are developing for the mobiles as the embedded software. One solution is that giving two gateways. But two gateways can’t route for on the same partition but if we keep on gateway is free we can connect to that if first one is break down. Another one is give priority to call as the work. We take the situation of the user and provide them the service as their task of the call. We can decide it as the lives and the situation of the work. If we stop the value added services in busy time of call we can reduce the dropped call. Because if the tower is having a traffic definitely call dropped will happened. But we can stop the values added services at the busy time. Some time telecommunications are providing the massage delivery reports and some time they provide some kind of promotions by call even the busy hours. So we can stop them at the busy time reduce the dropped
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