Essay On The Harlem Renaissance

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Many writers have appeared on the literary scene in the post-slavery era and the end of the American Civil War, where the writer was particularly concerned about the living conditions of the blacks and their suffering. In fact, the problem of blacks did not end completely even after the declaration of Abraham Lincolns declaration of slavery was freed in 1862 and even after the passage of the actual law of 1863 of the Declaration of Liberty. The black faced many problems after this period, including poverty, the difficulty of getting jobs and their situation began to worsen, especially in the south. That the issue of racial segregation based on color and race will not end by whites. Because of the exacerbation of brutal and inhumane practices against Negroes, more than a million black people have migrated from the South to the northern part of the United States because it is safer and more opportunities for employment and jobs, as well as the opportunity to enroll their children in schools and the right to vote in elections. Indeed is that a part of his stolen rights in the southern part of America. As for the problem of racism, it does not end. Many of the famous writers of that era have appeared like W. E. B. DuBois (1868-1963) born in…show more content…
Harlem Renaissance, have occurred from 1920 to 1940, was a flowering time of African –American literature and arts . This era begins as a bringer of anew attention to African –American literature . The literature of this era is best-known for literary works that came out of music . Writers begin to fluctuate from jazz to theater .Among the most famous writers of the Renaissance was poet Langston Hughes . Hughes first received attention in (1922) poetry collection ,"The Book of American Negro poetry" .another notable writer of the Renaissance was the novelist Zora Neale Hurston .she was famous for her novel "Their Eyes were Watching God

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