Popular Culture In China

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China, a country which is regarded as one of the rising great powers in the world, not only has long history in economic and military development, but also in cultural evolution. Popular culture, which also plays a crucial role in evolution of culture, is the mainstream ideology known and recognized by the public. The dissemination of popular culture involves the diverse media, such as through the mass media and the outstanding sporting notables (Latham, 2007). Chinese regime has been exerting herself in strengthening the nation’s hard power by showing the most sophisticated technologies and armaments in the public occasions. 2015 China Victory Day Parade was a typical example, showing that China had already been capable in defending herself…show more content…
Martial arts, the quintessence of modern Chinese culture adhering to harmony and health, has been demonstrating its regimen significance to both nationals and foreigners. It is also one of the media to propagate Chinese popular culture as the learners need to understand the philosophies and the implications behind. Sporting status and capability of China seems will continue growing in future; more people may learn martial arts for the sake of their interests towards Chinese culture or their health, but the connotations of “China popular culture” brought by sports and martial arts earn us further reviews on its enlightenment in contemporary society. This review examines how sports and martial arts stimulate spectatorship, hence bolstering national pride and patriotism and how it spurs consumption styles, meaning both monetary and “healthy”. Following that will be my introspection on a related social issue and the inspiration I learnt from the book and the selected…show more content…
Sport has been employing as one of the diplomacy to break the political impasse between the two countries. Ping Pong Diplomacy in 1971 was a symbolic sporting event that helped maintain a compatible official relationship between China and the United States (Latham, 2007). The Chinese or the foreign “spectators” can get known of the political news when they follow the sporting updates. A more contemporary example includes the sixth premier of China, Wen Jiabao, introduced Tai-Chi-Softball to German chancellor, Angela Merkel, in 2006. Premier Wen also demonstrated the ways of practising such a vigorous yet rich in Chinese characteristics martial arts to Chancellor Merkel, validating the popularity of this nascent sport. Sports and martial arts can be acted as a communication bridge to exchange each country’s popular culture between the two political parties in a more relaxing occasion. When the nationals know that the kinds of sport, especially the Chinese athletes excel in or full of Chinese features, such as table tennis and Tai-Chi-Softball, are used as a medium to let the foreigners be acquainted with contemporary Chinese popular culture, their national pride can be boosted and hence solidifying their

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