Political Dynasties In The Philippines

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In a democratic country, every one is assured to have access and opportunity to public office and service. One of the problem of our political system is the political dynasty. The existence of political dynasties in democratic cultures, particularly in a fortifying democracy, has inspired debate among scholars, policymakers and activists that are pro-democratic. In many instances, scholars, politicians, activists, and experts in politics have indicated that political dynasty is a falling block to a strong democracy, which is a destruction to the quality of democracy, a hindrance to new candidates’ capability to be occupying public office, and in the long run could be the possible cause of underdevelopment, and the root of corruption. For the last 28 years, the Philippines political system is one of the democratic countries in the world that is subordinate to political dynasties along with Greece, United States, Japan and India (Kenawas, 2015). Political Dynasties is defined commonly as a type of monopolizing political power and politicians…show more content…
Despite several attempts, no such legal law has been passed. The assumption is simple: those who are a part of political dynasties will not support the Anti-Political Dynasty Bill (Coronado, 2013). Even though the Congress has the power to enact such bills but still all they think about is their own interest rather than the benefit of the people as well as the entire society. Seeing that when the Bill will be successful this will surely have an effect on the upcoming election 2016. One of the politicians that will be gravely affected by this is the current Vice President Jejomar Binay since his daughter Senator Nancy Binay’s term of office is up to 2019 and the same scenario would also happen to the detained Senator Jinggoy Estrada and the former President Joseph Estrada now major of Manila since his other son Senator JV Ejercito will still be in the Senate (Yap,

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