driving force of the economies of Indonesia as stated in Law No. 8 of 1995 about the Capital Markets, especially related to its role as a source of financing for the business and investment opportunities for investors. As a developing country, Indonesia needs the support of substantial funds. These funds support very potential derived from investment activities through the role of the capital market as a source of financing for long-term development. Favorable capital market characterized by market capitalization
Management accountants are increasingly playing important roles as full-fledged members of cross-functional management teams. This role combines accounting, management and finance with leading edge techniques needed to drive successful business. Management accounting refers to a function of tracking internal cost for any business process that helps a firm, organization or an individual in making decision concerned with production, operation and investment in market. Companies need management accounting
government. Local government plays an essential role in civilizing communities lives by providing and delivering basic services. Furthermore local governments set the directions for their municipalities through long term planning. It is therefore important that the three spheres of government work hand in glove to improve service delivery by municipalities and also for the enhancement of local democracy. Local government through municipalities has a core role of ensuring that communities receive what they
Yummy Sdn.Bhd need fund to do research and development (R&D) in order to keep the delivery service to the customer for present and future need by providing the quality product. On the other hand, R&D is an important role and it is an opportunity to improve the development of the company. However, the Yummy Sdn Bhd had purchased the new machine for expanding their product lines purpose. Therefore, the company has no extra capital to allocate to R&D and they cannot borrow any fund from bank as well
significant negative relationship between social expenditures and life insurance premiums for a group of 10 OECD countries. Life insurance also takes an important role in relieving the burden of social pension systems (Skipper
that investors purchase large number of public companies’ stocks so that they obtain seats on the board of the company. Their goal is to affect the company’s management and promote material changes. Activist investors believe the company will worth more if only follow their plans. Activist investors are usually private equity firms, hedge funds and investment individuals. 2. Why has it become so prevalent? 1) Macro Factors The US economy has been in a time of low interest rate. With the low growth
Analysis of banks: why? Financial reporting is the activity that provides pertinent information for making important business decisions. The role of financial reporting for banks is crucial importance for the efficiency of banks' operations. Data needed for adequate financial reporting are found in the financial statements. In recent years, there has been a growing need for calculating performance of banks by using the information from the financial report. Importance of a specific analysis for banks:
Healthcare policies also play a vital role in bending the cost curve, and these healthcare policies should promote affordable healthcare coverage while reforming healthcare payment systems and investing in technology. In this case study series illustrated by the Commonwealth Fund, CareOregon, Genesys Health System, and QuadMed are the organizations that are used as examples for successful implementation of
the job, he begins to notice some questionable things that are occurring in the organization. As he walked by the Vice President’s office on his way to the break room, he also overheard the VP state that he used the nonprofit’s capital expenditure fund to pay for his family to fly to Hawaii for their annual vacation. Later on during the day, he also notices that most of the employees loiter and gossip in the hallways for a majority of the afternoon, and neglect their job responsibilities for the
the next ten years, banks would have to lend more; increase savings mobilize and channelize funds in higher productive instruments for better returns. Y.