Fund Management Role

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When individuals and institutions invest in a fund, they actually invest in the fund's manager. Fund managers are the persons responsible for implementing a fund's investing strategy and managing its portfolio trading activities. Fund managers provide financial advice and services to private and corporate clients about a range of investment matters including buying and selling investment trusts and shares or bonds and ensuring that the fund's strategy is aligned with its goals. He is also responsible for the overall operation of the fund, from customer service to risk management. Fund managers are paid a fee for their work, which is a percentage of the fund's average assets under management. The individuals involved in fund management…show more content…
A degree in any subject is usually required for entry into the profession. Qualifications in business studies, management, statistics, finance, mathematics, accounting or economics can be helpful, as can an MBA or similar professional qualification. Relevant paid or voluntary experience gained via job shadowing, vacation work and internships are particularly beneficial. Graduates normally enter the industry in investment analyst roles and move over to fund manager roles with experience. An efficient fund manager possess key skills. He must be ambitious, confident, should have determination and motivation, strong time management skill, ability to work effectively under pressure, analytical skills, teamworking skills, numerical skills, problem-solving skills, and of course a good communicating skills. Fund managers do have functions and duties and these are; (1) Reporting, Fund managers must ensure their funds' reporting requirements are met. Funds are designed with different strategies and objectives and have different risks, policies and expenses. These details are important to clients and regulators and should be clearly outlined in a prospectus. Fund managers are responsible for ensuring that prospectuses and other documents are completed, filed and distributed as regulations…show more content…
Many hire and oversee staffs and some outsource certain duties to other professionals and firms. This allows the managers to pass along tasks such as negotiating with brokers, attracting capital or issuing proxies and annual reports. By outsourcing, fund managers can shift some regulatory responsibility to third parties, but ultimately they are still responsible for the outcome of their funds so they must actively manage more than just the fund's investments. Being a fund manager also requires typical tasks that they must do. They should have regular meetings with investment analysts and company managers to discuss financial matters, research and gather information about the company, read financial briefings, making informed financial recommendations and decisions. And fund managers must keep knowledge up-to-date about the country's economy, current financial news and financial

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