Traditional Justice System Essay

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Traditional Justice System of Village Administration: Like other tribal groups of North East Region of India, the concept of village administration justice system is also prevailed in Mising society. The democratic nature of this village administration is known as ‘Kebang’ (Public Meeting), which means public meeting. The Kebang held for the purpose of discussing various matters, problems, cultural and welfare measures of the village. The problems may be related to problems of road communication, harvesting, disputes, distress and developmental etc., In general Kebang is mostly related with the judicial matters within village. Besides this Kebang, there are also found some kind of organization like ‘Yame-Mimbir Ope’ (Youth Organization), which is consisting of…show more content…
And all the adult male members of village are automatically the members of the kebang (A.C. Talukder, the administrative system of Adi). But now days women are also participated in the Dolung Kebang. The Gam is neither hereditary nor ascribed status, it is achieved through the personal virtue, like well knowledge in traditions, customs, customary laws, history of tribes etc., ‘Murong’ is the place of the discussion of Dolung Kebang. In any meeting, the topic of matters are introduced and discussed, debate by the elder members. But there is no written format of discussion is prevalent. Kebang tries to compromise the dispute within. If the guilty is proved in the Kebang, then the accused has to pay the compensation for the loss or damage and if the accused is denied the guilty or if there is not enough proof to accused someone, then the cases is hand over to supernatural power through oath and ordeals. The main function of the Dolung Kebang is concerned with the judicial matters. Besides this, the function of the Dolung Kebang has to responsible to welfare of the village. In this regard, the function of the Dolung Kebang is divided in to four

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