Social Mobilization In The Philippines

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Eaton’s description of Post-Marcos PH Unfortunately, the Aquino administration did not only restore democracy, but it also restored the prevalence of the traditional political society. Accordingly, Eaton described this phenomenon as the restoration of the elites or the trapos (traditional politicians) whom have ruled way before the Marcos regime. Although this may be true, there has been an emergence of a strong presence of social mobilization which was not evident prior to the Marcos era. Likewise, the aforementioned statement implies how the post-Marcos Philippine political setting saw the transformation of the civil society as an active and participative society with a strong will for social mobilization. Correspondingly, these instances…show more content…
Moreover, it is also necessary to state how this bill was well-supported by the Senate, but frowned upon by the House of Representatives. This instance eventually led to the failure of the Congress to pass the bill due to the lack of consensus in the House of Representatives. In effect, the shelving of this bill also led to the destruction of the firm foundation of constitutional reforms, especially the provisions regarding term limits. Furthermore, adverse effects and underlying dilemmas eventually emerged due to the lack of provisions with regard to political dynasties which are mainly composed of elites. It could be deduced that the absence of a bill that restricts the dominance of political dynasties would affect several efforts pertaining to constitutional reforms. Under those circumstances, political dynasties, elites and trapos in the national and subnational government would still enjoy the wealth and power that they possess. Another effect could be the decline on the development of democratization in the Philippine political…show more content…
Likewise, the goals of the said code regarding citizen participation and social mobilization have not been met. In addition, local development councils have been underperforming; due to the fact that legislatures have the authority to accredit NGOs which participate in development councils. In effect, such acts give traditional politicians too much power. Moreover, the lack of organization in the subnational government has led to detrimental consequences, specifically involving the NGOs and Local Government Units. As such, the NGOs’ tendency of pursuing their mobilizational activities rather than participating and proactively cooperating with development councils could be attributed to the subnational government’s shortcomings. Regardless, the lack of a bill that enables other efforts of constitutional reform took a devastating toll on the democratization of the Philippines, as well as the efforts of making subnational politics, inclusive. By the same token, traditional politicians are also responsible for preventing reform to prevail. Consequently, the author states how granting nontraditional actors actual seats in legislative bodies could also contribute to the pursuance of

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