Phonics And Reading

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Reading and learning to read are the prevailing topics among instructors since the influence our society. It is clear that the ability to read is one of the significant factors that contribute to the student’s success. Phonics is a method for teaching reading and writing by developing learners’ phonemic awareness. Phonics is absolutely essential for helping children begin to read. This study investigated the effect of analogy phonics and phonics approach through spelling on reading skill in EFL classroom in Iranian context . The research populations of the study were 60 male elementary studentswho are between 8- 12 years old studying English courses in Asatid Academy Language in elementary level in Khoram Abad. A pre-test mean scores…show more content…
It is clear that the ability to read is one of the significant factors that contribute to the student’s success. One of the most frequently cited explanations of reading difficulties is the phonological deficit hypothesis (Stanovich & Siegel, 1994). According to this theory, developmental reading difficulties are characterised by poor or underspecified phonological representations. The quality of these representations are such that when children learn to read and write they experience delays in acquiring the letter-sound correspondences necessary for reading in an alphabetic language. Although questions over the extent to which there is evidence of a causal link between phonological deficits and reading difficulties have been raised (Castles & Coltheart, 2004), there is extensive evidence that children with reading difficulties demonstrate deficits on tasks that have a phonological component relative to children of the same age, and in some instances, relative to younger, typically reading children who are at the same level of reading skill as they are (Snowling,2000). Phonics is a method for teaching reading and writing by developing learners’ phonemic awareness. Phonics is absolutely essential for helping children begin to read. Once the code of reading has been cracked through phonics, children will then have the ability to explore the length and breadth of literacy…show more content…
(2011) All of these methods involve some use of phonics, in which children recognize letters or combinations of letters (known as graphemes) and turn them into the individual sound which each grapheme represents (known as a phoneme). Phonemic awareness, then, is the ability to manipulate individual phonemes in a word for reading by breaking a word down in order to sound it out and then blending the phonemes to identify the word (d, o, g is dog) or by segmenting them in order to spell (cat is c, a, t). It has often been found that phonemic awareness and alphabet knowledge are the two best predictors of success in learning to read (Ericson & Juliebo, 1998). However, the ability to hear, distinguish and manipulate the individual sounds that make up words is not an easy task, and, as Adams (1990, p. 413) writes, ‘the challenge is to find ways to get children to notice the phonemes, to discover their existence and separability’. The purpose of developing the skills of blending phonemes to make words and segmenting words into phonemes, the skills of decoding and encoding, is, of course, not only to enable children to learn to read but also to enable them to learn to write, and any good phonics program will be concerned to develop both of these abilities. A caveat to the notion that reading simply involves a top-down approach is provided by Rumelhart (1976, 1994), who suggests that reading is a multi-level interactive process that involves

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