Modular Phonetics Analysis

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According to Anderson (2010), Modular Phonetics represents significant advances in the teaching an application of rhythm. It is based on the concept of modular phonetics. Modular refers to the interchangeability of rhythm syllables and phonetics refers to the sound of the rhythm syllables. Phonic has always been the key to the sound of the language. Without phonics the words could not be pronounced and the sound of the word could not be heard. In this approach learning takes place in the principle of “eye-ear-hand reflex” this meant, the eye sees it-the ear hears it-the hands execute it. This approach is supported from the theory of modalities by theorists: Walter Barbe and Raymond Swassing as cited by Hackett (2007) that…show more content…
According to Treble Makers: A music education blog (2012) said that it should be a part of the student’s daily regimen. Here are some tips to acquire some rhythmic skill: Practice with the metronome, rhythmic exercises must be practiced from simple to complex rhythmic; understand the time signature; watch out for resting, ties and dotted notes; start slow and increase the tempo when played confidently; lastly, play along. Moreover, mastering the rhythmic skill requires the establishing of beat/pulse, tempo, meter and accent. Babelay (2009) stated that no matter what instrument a student is learning, everyone needs a good rhythmic foundation. Melodies, scales and chord patterns are all dependent on a piece’s rhythm. The importance of developing a strong sense of pulse or rhythm is a crucial element when learning to play-and being taught the basics of rhythm starts in the very first lesson. And, as students’ progress, it will become easier for them to understand why something does not sound exactly as it should- more often than not; it is rhythm which needs work or changing. By developing a good sense of rhythm will be able to better identify when the pulse or beat is…show more content…
After detecting the difficulty encountered by the respondents, the process includes the musical rhythmic training program wherein, respondents are subjected to a rigorous training to enhance their rhythmic skills. Lastly, posttest will also be given to the respondents. The same questionnaire will be administered to the respondents to ensure the effectiveness of the training design done by the researcher. The last day of the training program ends with a culmination to present a short presentation of the enhanced rhythmic skills of music teachers or

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